
My homepage is currently undergoing a major refurbishment so for a while it's going to look a bit raw. I'm trying to rewrite it by hand, sticking to the XHTML1 specification as much as possible and using style sheets for the formatting. Since I'm learning as I go on, it'll probably look a bit rough for quite a while. Please bear with me.

soon to come there will be an image here sometime

soon to come there will be an image here sometime

soon to come there will be an image here sometime

soon to come there will be an image here sometime

Welcome to my homepage

This is the lobby area, containing nothing more exciting than a few pictures on the wall (once I get them up ). To enter the main room of the homepage, just click on the globe.

In the meantime, here is a brief thumbnail sketch of myself. Unfortuneately, there are no pictures available at present since I do not have access to a scanner but take my word for it - I am incredibly handsome and athletic as well as modest.

A few of the main points about me are :
  • I like music - jazz, blues, classical and rock as well as some from most genres. But I find it difficult to class most of todays chart as music.
  • I love Sci-Fi - I like all kinds of sci-fi from Heinlein to Pratchett.
  • I am addicted to computers and given half a chance would spent my entire life on the net
  • I love my family above all else and thought I have given them grey hairs aplenty, I love my parents.
  • I write poetry. Yes,I know it's antisocial and slightly lower than drugs on most peoples scale of estimation, but there it is. I write poetry.
  • In terms of work, I have been everything from a nuclear physicist to a builders labourer and enjoyed most of it. I am now trying to move into programming
Anything else you want to know about me will have to wait until I fill in the 'my room' section of the website.

One final word. This homepage is going to be under constant construction. It may seem a bit empty and a bit raw at the moment, but it will improve. Hopefully.

If you wish to get in touch with me, you can mail me here